Isabelle Bichindaritz, Ph.D., CPHIMS Associate Professor Director of Biomedical and Health Informatics

Computer Science Department State University of New York Oswego NY 13126 USA Tel: (315) 312 2683 Office Shineman 396A Fax: (315) 312 5862 Email: 
Machine learning, artificial intelligence, case-based reasoning, biomedical informatics, bioinformatics, data science, cognitive science, neuroinformatics, public health informatics, text mining, image mining, multimedia mining, knowledge discovery, knowledge representation, temporal reasoning, knowledge-based systems, complex systems, intelligent tutoring systems
I am launching a Coursera course on Big Data, Genes, and Medicine on September 26, 2016
I am presenting a paper entitled “Multilevel Stress Classification from ECG Signals” at the Grace Hopper Celebration of Women in Computing in Houston, TX, on October 20, 2016
I am co-organizing the Second Workshop on Synergies between Case Based Reasoning and Knowledge Discovery at ICCBR 2016 in Atlanta, GA, on October 31, 2016
I am serving on a PhD in Biomedical Informatics jury panel at INSERM in Paris, France on December 1st, 2016