Interface Queue

All Known Implementing Classes:
dynamicQueue, fixedQueue

public interface Queue

~mohammad/public_html/classes/csc241/Queue/ This is an ADT for Queue class. A Queue holds objects. There is no code, private variables, or constructors designed for Queue as it is an Interface. We are postponing its implementation, so that we could have an array version and a linked list version. Notice that there is no constructor and instead of {} for the methods with simply have ';'.

Method Summary
 void dequeue()
          remove an element from the front of the queue.
 boolean empty()
          return true if queue is empty, otherwise, return false
 void enqueue(java.lang.Object x)
          add an element to the back of the queue.
 boolean full()
          return true if queue is full, otherwise, return false
 java.lang.Object peek()
          return value - the object in front of the queue; null if queue is empty.

Method Detail


public boolean empty()
return true if queue is empty, otherwise, return false


public boolean full()
return true if queue is full, otherwise, return false


public void enqueue(java.lang.Object x)
             throws queueException
add an element to the back of the queue.
x - the Object to be added

- - queueException if queue is full


public void dequeue()
             throws queueException
remove an element from the front of the queue.

- - queueException if queue is empty.


public java.lang.Object peek()
return value - the object in front of the queue; null if queue is empty.