DEI Topics/Themes in Cognitive Science Courses


In the spring of 2022, as a follow up to our 2020 status report on DEI within the cognitive science program, I invited those members of the advisory board who teach a cognitive science course with DEI content, or the potential for incorporation of DEI content, to engage in an ongoing task pertaining to securing some information about the DEI content in those courses.
The task was intended, in part, to provide data for relfection upon where the cognitive science program is with respect to infusing DEI topics and themes into our curriculum, with an eye twoards enhancing our DEI profile within the curriculum.
At the time that the board agreed to embrace the task, we determined to spend at least some time during one advisory board meeting each year to review the DEI documents submitted by faculty, primarily as a basis for discussion of the degree to which DEI is integrated into the cognitive science program, particularly with respect to our DEI learning outcome, which can be found on the learning outcomes document for the cognitive science program.


HCI 530 / ISC 406 "Transhumanism" (Damian Schofield)
COG 411 "Introduction to Neural Networks" (Theo Rhodes)
COG 444 "Cognitive Semiotics" (Craig Graci)