Home Life


Reverend Edward Hannay came as pastor of both Methodist chruches in 1949. The reverend and his wife, Ninnie Hannay, seen here with their twins John and Mark, were beloved by the congregation. Reverend Hannay built up the youth program in Oswego Center during his ministry.


The Bradways first had a store in Oswego Center before moving to Fruit Valley. They are pictured here around 1909. The brick store, now a private residence, was owned and operated by Milburn and Emma Cooper after the Bradways left.


In 1946, an Oswego and Central New York tradition was born: Rudy's, the home of the fish fry and Texas Hots. The menu was enlarged with all kinds of seafood and burgers. This is the original stand located on Washington Boulevard. The amusement park was originally across from Rudy's. Note Lake Ontario and the picnic tables to the right. Pepsi was only $.05 a bottle.


Anthony Czerow spent much of his leisure time in his greenhouse, pictured here. It was located on the Rathburn Road, where his discendants still live today. Anthony's son Tom and grandson Paul have grown Christmas trees in recent years.


The Austin family on West Lake Road is dressed in their Sunday best for this photograph taken by their neighbor Lyman Place in 1898. From left to right are Mrs. Austin, Emma, Will, and Mr. Austin. Even the horse is included in the family portrait.


This image of the McConnell home on West Lake Road was taken in 1898. The house was originally owned by Dan Timerson. The front of the house remains the same today. Standing proudly in front are, from left to right, James McConnell, his granddaughter Vernice, his son Joseph, his granddaughter Luella, and his daughter-in-law Nettie.