CSC459--Database Management Systems

Section 800--MWF 9:10-10:05—Snygg 127

Rameen Mohammadi


Office Hours: M, W, F (11:20-12:00), M (2:00:-3:00),

Th (11:00-12:30) and by appointment.

Office: 145 Snygg
Phone: 315-312-2367 (office), 315-564-5911 (home)
Fax: 315-312-5424



Author: Rameen Mohammadi

Date:   January 4, 2000



Present the fundamental concepts and theory on database modeling and design,


Cover design and implementation techniques for database systems,


Teach database application development on mainframes and PCs and for the WWW.



Principle of Database with Internet and Java Applications, by G. Riccardi, Addison Wesley 2001.


Computer Facilities:

SUN servers Moxie, Rocky, and Ora (the database server).  We will also use MS-ACCESS'2003 on the PCs.




  Programming Project #1 (database design)...........................15%

  Programming Project #2 (ORACLE)....................................15%

  Programming Project #3 (MSACCESS)..................................10%

  Some homework assignments..........................................15%

  Exam #1 (March 3rd)/Exam #2(March 10th) Comprehensive CS Assessment..10%

  Mid-Term (March 24th)...............................................15%

  Final (May 17 8:00 AM).............................................20%



¨      The class needs to break up into groups of two to three students.  So, your first task is to find one or two partners for the group projects. 

¨      The three Programming Projects are done by the groups.   Program submissions must be dated by midnight on the date due. Some submissions will be through emails and others as hard-copy; in all cases they are demoed.  Program submissions dated 2 days early will be given a 5% extra credit. Late programming projects lose 10% of their value for each week that they are late.

¨      Homeworks are to be done individually and must be handed in at the beginning of class on the date due.  Late homeworks are not accepted.

¨      The Exam#1 and #2 are tentative and are built into this course for the purpose of assessment of Student Learning Outcomes in the CS curriculum.  CSC459 is considered to be a capstone computer course and it is for that reason that the department has chosen to test the learning outcomes in it.  We know that we need at least one of these two dates as shown here and in the course planner attached to the syllabus; but, we may not need both. I’ll obviously confirm this as we get closer to these dates.





I.                    Overview of database Management (class #1).

II.                 Database System Architecture (class #2).

III.               Introduction to Relational Database Modeling (class #3).

IV.              Relational algebra/relational calculus (classes #4-#7).

V.                 Semantic Modeling (class #8-#10).

VI.              Data Definition and Manipulation languages (SQL, QBE) in conjunction coverage of with DBMS in Oracle and Access (classes #11-#22).

VII.            Accessing Databases through the Web (classes #23-#26).

VIII.         Normalization (classes #27 - #31).

IX.              Object Oriented Database Model (classes #32 - #34).

X.                 Network Data Model (classes #35 - #36).

XI.              Other Topics (Query Optimization, Distributed Databases, etc) (classes #37 - #38).