CSC 241- set #2

Bank Account Example

We will use this example to review what classes are and how instances of those classes are constructed and manipulated.

In order to have a bankAccount class, we 1st going to develop a class named Balance. This class will help us control access to the amount of balance that we will be part of our bankAccount class later. Here is what it would look like:

public class Balance {
 private double amt;
 public Balance() {amt=0;}
 public void add(double a) {amt+=a;}
 public void subtract(double a) throws negativeBalanceException {
   if (a>amt)
      throw new negativeBalanceException ();
   amt -=a;
 public double balance() {return amt;}

The qualifier public means that class Balance, as well as, its methods:add, subtract, and balance are accessible outside of this class (we'll see what this means later). the word private however implies that amt is not accessible outside of this class.

The subtract method throws an exception if asked to remove more that what is actually the amount stored. Exceptions like negativeBalanceException are thrown when abnormal situations occur. In this case, the statement amt -= a; won't execute if a is too large. More on exceptions later.

Now, lets look at the bankAccount class:

public class bankAccount {
 private int accountNumber;
 private String name;
 private Balance b;
 public bankAccount(int an, String n) {
  b= new Balance();
 public void deposit (double am) {
 public void withdrawal (double am) throws negativeBalanceException {
 public double balance() {return b.balance();}


The bankAccount class has three fields/variables: accountNumber, name, and b. The constructor has two parameters, an and n. The fields accountNumber and name are set to an and n, respectively. The balance filed b, is constructed as well. The deposit method simply calls the method for b. The withdrawal method also simply calls the subtract method for b. Notice that the negativeBalanceException is not dealt with in the withdrawal method; this simply means that this exception will be propagated to the caller. The balance method is designed to return b's balance.

The program below demonstrates how we create a bankAccount object and its usage in an application; it also demonstrates how exceptions are handled.

This program simply creates a bankAccount object and deposits 100.0 in it, then it withdraws 10.0 and finally displays the balance. The try/catch is needed to deal with the exception that could be thrown. With $100.0 in the bank account, we don't expect an exception in when take out $10; however, we must invoke the withdrawal in a try/catch as Java requires you to do so. More on exception handling later.

import java.lang.*;
//Testing bankAccount
public class testBankAccount {
  public static void main(String[] argn) {
      String n = new String ("John Doe");
      bankAccount b = new bankAccount(12,n);
      try {
      catch(negativeBalanceException e) {
       system.out.println("Negative Balance Error");
     system.out.println("The Account balance is: " + b.balance());


Assignment #1

Assignment #1 is designed to help in reviewing designing and using classes, but also gives you the opportunity to get acquinted with applets. You begin by designing a Light class and testing it with an applet that I wrote. You will then go on to a trafficLight class that has three instances of Light; and acts like a traffic light. An Applet tests this class.

Writing Pre/Post conditions

I don't except you to develop mathematically complete pre and post conditions for your methods. It is, however, important to learn about pre/post conditions. A pre-condition is a clear statement of a method's assumptions at the start. A post condition is a clear statement and promise about what a method will do by the time it reaches its end. Here is an example:

Suppose that we have a container class that keeps an array of integer values. Lets call this array l. We want a method that sorts l, either in ascending or descending order. So, the sort method has an integer parameter that is suppose to be either 1 or 0. If its 1, we sort in ascending order, otherwise, we sort the values in descending order. Assume that last_cell is the index for the last value in the array. Here is a reasonable pre/post condition for sort:

          void sort (int a_or_d)
          /** Precondition: 
                  (a_or_d == 0) ||  (a_or_d == 1)

                  ((a_or_d == 1) && (l[0] <= l[1] <= ... <= l[last_cell])) ||
                  ((a_or_d == 0) && (l[0] >= l[1] >= ... >= l[last_cell]))

The precondition says that a_or_d must be either 1 or 0 for the method to work. The postcondition says that if a_or_d is 1, the value in the array must be less that or equal to the next; otherwise, a_or_d is expect to be zero and each value in the array to be greater than or equal to the next.

Even a reasonable pre/post condition like the above requires some human interpretation. We know the intent is to sort the values already in the array. If you were going only based on what the post condition here says, you could write a loop and instead of sorting the content of the array, set all of its cells to zero. The post-condition would be satisfied in this case, but of course, in no way did we intend for the sort method to do that.

It is possible to be more complete in stating a postcondition, but, it could get complicated to the point where it stops communicating the purpose of a method to either the programmer who is to write the method or the one who wants to use it.

Tank example.

It is time to review class design and encapsulation in Java. A simple tank class is designed to help in discussing state and methods of objects. Tank objects allow us to represent tanks that contain some type of fluid in application programs. In the version that we are discussing here, they are only responsible for controlling access to tank content.

How is this content manipulated by the application? Tanks are simple objects, we like to add fluid to them, remove fluid from them. Occasionally, we need to know what the current content of a tank is, and if they are full or empty. This is where the methods come into play. We concern ourselves with determining functionality for objects and giving a tank the methods that are needed for it to be useful. It takes some time to learn to effectively design objects, it takes significantly longer to learn to design them so that they remain useful beyond one application! You will learn about reuse in this course and the natural framework that Java provides for it.

Lets discuss a few issues that may not be obvious. Why would we not permit an application program to just manipulate content of a tank with simple assignment statements? The integrity of a tank is an important consideration. Having tank objects control modification of their contents by only allowing it to be done via an add or remove method provide a safeguard that is important. Our experiences in programming large applications, before object orientation, tells us that much of our time was spent in tracking down errors that manifested themselves at a point different from where they were caused. The phrase that best describe this approach is programming with side-effects. What does this mean? you write an application that requires one or more tanks and whenever you need, increment or decrement the contents. You don't want to end up with a negative content or a content that is over capacity and good programmers would always check for such anomalies, or do they! When the side-effect of calling a variety of subprograms are changes in content of a tank, and one or more of those subprograms do not guard against such things, we have problems. The process that you need to go through to figure out where this violation occurred is typically a very time consuming task. In some context, these types of error are very hard to find.

This is not to say we don't have logic errors when our approach is Object Oriented, but we have a framework that allows us to isolate such problems more rapidly that is both natural and easy. In our tank example, a tank object becomes responsible for protecting its own content, the application gets to only manipulate the content through the add and remove methods provided for tanks. Now, Java also gives us a really nice way of handling exceptions like overflow or underflow attempts by an application. We can design add and remove methods to throw exceptions when such attempts are made. The application must catch these exceptions any time they call upon a tank to manipulate its content. The end result is that you find the problem at its source and not at some later point when the program breaks. You also never have to count on the application programmer to be cautious, as they won't even get to compile the program without dealing with exceptions.

Details of Tank class


All objects of class Tank are of fixed capacity. In Fact, we only have a "class variable" for capacity that is a constant. public static final double capacity=5000; declares capacity. public means that capacity can be accessed anywhere in Tank or any subclass of tank. It could also be accessed in any application that imports the Tank class by simply referring to it as Tank.capacity. Making variables public should be done with care. In this case, you can see that capacity is also final which declares it as a constant that can't change. static is what makes capacity a "class variable". Static variables don't get constructed for each object of a class, they are shared by all objects of the particular class.


protected double content_; declares content_. Each object of class Tank gets its own content_. Note that the word static does not appear in the declaration. content_ is protected, this makes it accessible in Tank or any subclass of Tank, but not in the applications that import it. Subclassing will be discussed later in this lecture.

Tank Construction

A tank can be constructed with no content (i.e. content_ is set to 0)


The Tank class has three methods: add, remove, and content. The first two methods change a tank's content, they are mutators. The method content(), just returns the content of a tank and we consider it an accessor. add, in normal cases, executes content_ +=amount; which simply adds amount to content_. remove, in normal cases, executes content_ -=amount; which simply subtracts amount from content_.


If you consider the add and remove methods carefully, you will notice that the throw statements only occur in them when we detect exceptions. Exceptions are generally abnormal cases. In your documentation (pre/post conditions), you make it clear that you don't want to negative values for your parameter, if the user of this class gives you one anyway, you throw the exception. We will later see how we catch exceptions in our testing of class Tank. An exception doesn't have to terminate the user's program, although in all the test programs for the Tank class it does.

Three exceptions may be thrown in this class: TankOverFlowException, IllegalArgumentException, and TankUnderFlowException. A tank may overflow when the add method is invoked and the amount provided would send the content over capacity. Underflow simply means that the amount supplied for the remove method would cause tank to go below empty. IllegalArumentException is thrown when the parameter amount in either add or remove is negative.

Check out this statement carefully: throw new TankOverFlowException(this, overflow);. The word new means that we are constructing an object of some class. An object of TankOverFlowException is being created and thrown. The throw statement requires an object of an exception class.

TankOverFlowException Class

public class TankOverFlowException extends Exception {
  public Tank overflowTank;
  public double overflow;
  public TankOverFlowException(Tank t, double amount) {
    super(); overflowTank = t; overflow = amount;

Exceptions provide us with a nice example of inheritance in Object Oriented design. In java there are existing exception classes that are very specific, such as, FileNotFoundException used in which needs to open a file and read from it, IllegalArgumentException is used in the Tank class itself for handling bad parameters. However, we don't have an existing exception class that would deal with our overflow problem. So, we built one. Notice that TankOverFlowException extends Exception, that means it inherits everything in Exception, and is going to add on some new things.

TankOverFlowException has two fields of its own, overflowtank that represents the Tank object that caused the exception andoverflow that holds the amount of overflow.

The constructor in TankOverFlowException calls super(); which is how we invoke the constructor for the super class Exception. Our constructor then sets its fields to the incoming parameters.

Lets take a second and look at throw new TankOverFlowException(this, overflow); from the Tank constructor shown earlier. When we throw an exception, we create an object of the particular exception class. In this case, we have specified two arguments for construction of such an object. The first one, based on the definition of the constructor, must be an object of class Tank. Note that our first argument is "this". So, what is this? this provides a handle (reference) to the object whose method is called; in this case, it provides the constructor of the TankOverFlowException with the reference to the object where the overflow occurred in. This is how exception object that is thrown here knows what tank overflowed.

Catching TankOverFlowException

Here is the code from that shows how we try something that may cause an exception and how we catch the exception if it was thrown.

    try {
      Tank t1 = new Tank();
    catch (TankOverFlowException e) {
      System.err.println("Tank overflow by "+e.overflow);

the add method may cause an overflow exception. So, in this test program, we need the try/catch combination when adding to the tank. Any Time, you invoke a method that may throw an exception, you must do so in the context of a try/catch or the compiler will complain.

The order in which you catch exceptions is sometimes important. The following two catch clauses in had to go in the order given:

    catch (FileNotFoundException e) {
      System.err.println("File does not exist");
    catch (IOException e) {
      System.err.println("Unsuccessful read");

Why should FileNotFoundException go before IOException? because, the first is a subclass of the later. If a FileNotFoundException is thrown when we perform InputStream ist = new FileInputStream(fname);, we want it caught as such and not just as an IOException! If you change the order of the catch clauses, you'll notice that the compiler will, very nicely, let you know that your catch (FileNotFoundException e) {...} is not reachable! What we are assuming here in the way we have handled these two exceptions is that catching FileNotFoundException helps us recognize that we may have a bad file name and catching IOException would determine a problem when we are actually reading data.

IO in Java

Lets discuss the in more detail. This program is representative of test programs that one would write to test a program. It takes input values from a data file, such as, test.dat which enables us to have more flexibility in what we test a class for as we can change the data without modifying the program to test multiple cases. Basically, it is designed to prompt for a file name, and read double values from the file that are either added or removed from a tank object. If the value read from the data file is positive, it is added to the tank, otherwise, it is removed from the tank. After each add or remove, a message is output that indicates how much was added or removed and what the content of the tank was after the operation. When there are no more values in the file, the program stops. If exception occurs, such as, tank overflow, the program would output a message and stop.

Lets discuss the logic and the IO operation of this program. The exception handling aspects have already been covered earlier. We will consider the code piece by piece:

String text; declares a string variable that we will use for reading double values from our data file.

Tank t = new Tank(); creates a tank referenced by t.

BufferedReader inp = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(; creates an object that we can read strings from. is an object of class InputStream. This object only allows for input that of single characters. Class DataInputStream enables you to read strings as well as other things.

System.out.println("Enter File Name:"); prompts the user for a file name using the standard output object.

String fname = inp.readLine(); is used to read the input file name from the keyboard (user). The following sequence of code, simply, opens the input file, and read the first line of it into text.

      InputStream ist = new FileInputStream(fname);
      BufferedReader  istream   = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(ist));
      text = istream.readLine();

You should notice text = istream.readLine(); also appears before the end of the while loop. End of file is determined when istream.readLine() returns null, which is why the while loop is designed to terminate if text is null.

The statement double am = (Double.valueOf(text)).doubleValue(); invokes a class method in class Double that allows for parsing a string and returning a Double object, the doubleValue() method then gets us a double value that we then store in am. The next few lines simply check the value read, and if positive, add it to tank, otherwise, remove it from tank. Note that -amt is sent t.remove.

        if (am > 0) {
          System.out.println("tank content after adding "+ am + " = "+
        else {
          System.out.println("tank content after removing "+ -am + " = "+

A couple of additional Methods for Tank

Here are a couple of methods we could have added to the tank class. The first one, roomLeft, returns a double representing howmuch room is left in a tank. The second one, is an example of a static method with two tank parameters; it uses existing methods to move the content of one tank into the other. What happens if the existing content of t1 is too much to be added to t2?

public double roomLeft () {
/** return how much more room is left in the tank **/
   return capacit-content_;  //before lab#2 

public static void moveAll (Tank t1, Tank t2) throws TankOverFlowException {
/** move all of the content of t1 into t2.  **/
   try {
   catch (TankUnderflowException e) {}   //Can't happen here, so do nothing
   catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {} //Can't happen here, so do nothing

Lab #2

Lab #2 is designed to help better understand the difference between entities that belong to each instance of a class and those that are shared by them.

By removing "static final" from the declaration of capacity_, each object of class Tank gets its own capacity and tanks no longer have to max their capacity at 5000. With the changes made here, capacity_ can be set at construction. capacity_ will also need to be treated like content_ by being qualified as a protected field; it will also need a method thats returns its value. But, unlike content, we don't want any methods that change capacity once the object is constructed.

samePercentage is a static method. There are plenty of examples of such methods in java. Since this method is static, it does not operate on fields of a particular instance of our Tank class. samePercentage can operate on static fields, but we don't have any of those any more; it can also be sent tank objects as arguments and operate on their fields by qualifying them. For example, even though, it can't say content_, it can say t1.content_ when t1 is a parameter to it.