CSC 241- Exam 2        Name:

(21 Points) 1. Respond to the following true/false questions.

  1. A fixedStack and dynamicStack that are implementations of Stack in our lab #3 can only hold strings. True/False.
  2. The dynamic version of Queue is better than its fixed version when you don't know what your storage space needs are (i.e. how much room to put aside for the elements). True/False.
  3. There is no difference between a class and an interface in java; they are synonymous. True/False.
  4. It is optional to have a base case in a recursive method. True/False.
  5. Consider A as an existing class in java with a public method dothis(). Assume that class B extends A.

(24 Points) 2. Consider the following conceptual representation for a linked list. head references the first node in the list. Suppose that each node points to both the next and the previous nodes as shown.

                       ----        ----        ----       ----        --
                 ||===|hello|<===>|where|<===>|does|<===>|this |<===>|go|===||
                       ----        ----        ----       ----        --

Here is the definition of our node class:

             class Node {
                String element_;
                Node next_;
                Node prev_;
                Node (Node n, Node p, int e) {
  1. What is the value of head.next_.element_?

  2. What is the value of head.next_.prev_.element_?

  3. For the above list, write the Java instruction(s) that would create a node with the string "there" and place it between the nodes that contain "hello" and "where". Keep in mind that you need to set the prev_ as well as the next_ fields of the nodes involved.

  4. Write a method find that searches for a string referenced by s in a list referenced by head>. find returns true if the string is found and false otherwise. Keep in mind that you you can't use == to compare strings.
                 boolean find (Node head, String s) {

(15 Points) 3. Assume that the following array variable L and the size variable exist.

     L | 134    | 322    |   11   |  343   |  88    |  size=5
           0        1        2        3        4

Consider the recursive method test2 and assume that it has access to both L and size.

     1     int test2 (int i) {
     2       if (i==size) return L[i];
     3       int temp = test2(i+1); 
     4       if (L[i] < temp)
     5          return L[i];
     6       else
     7          return temp;
     8     }

Complete the trace table below and give the final answer that this method return is.

Line#   Statement/Method Header        Return Value
1            int test2(0)                 
3            int temp=test2(1)        
1            int test2(1)
3            int temp=test2(2)        

(20 Points) 4. Assume the following Stack & Queue interfaces as we used them in Lab#3:

public interface Stack {
  public boolean empty();
  public boolean full();
  public Stack push (Object x)  throws Exception;
  public Stack pop()  throws Exception;
  public Object peek()  throws Exception;
public interface Queue {
  public boolean empty();
  public boolean full();
  public Queue enqueue(Object x)  throws Exception;
  public Queue dequeue()  throws Exception;
  public Object peek() throws Exception;

Complete the following method which is suppose to remove all elements of a Queue, one at a time, and place them in a newly created dynamicStack and return that Stack.

     public Stack move_all(Queue q) {
         Stack s = new dynamicStack();

         return s;

(20 Points) 5. Here are the definitions of the stringLinkedList and the stringLinkedListItr classes:

public class stringLinkedList
  public stringLinkedList( )
  public boolean isEmpty( )
  public void makeEmpty( )

public class stringLinkedListItr {
  public stringLinkedListItr( stringLinkedList anyList )
  public void insert( String x ) throws Exception
  public void insertAtBeginning( String x )
  public boolean find( String x )
  public void remove( String x ) throws Exception
  public boolean validCurrent( )
  public String retrieve( )  
  public void first( )
  public void advance( )
  public String dump ()

Suppose we have an application that maintains a list of strings in a stringLinkedList variable. Write a method that finds the 1st occurence of a string in the list that starts with the letter 'H' and returns that string.

You need to create an iterator and use it to visit all elements in the list starting from the 1st one; once, the string returned from the iterator starts with an "H", that string is returned.

Keep in mind that charAt is the string method that returns the character in a specified location of the stirng. Also, keep in mind that the methods in stringLinkedListItr are what you have to work with.

     String findH(stringLinkedList L) {
