"Take Home" Examination - ISC 405 DUE BY MIDNIGHT APRIL 3rd BY EMAIL

Electronic copy due by midnight, April 3rd . I suggest that you limit your response for each question to seven hundred words. Be sure to cite your sources! AND READ THE QUESTIONS CAREFULLY!

1) What is classification? Why is classification important for the Digital Humanities? Are there any ways that the understanding of classification can be applied to the study of pandemics? And, please be specific in your answer!

2) What is "embodied cognition"? How can the study of this subject contribute to the Digital Humanities? Please be specific!

3) What is "data modeling"? Why is this important for the Digital Humanities? In addition, describe how databases may be used in the Digital Humanities and also for the study of pandemics.

4) What is data visualization? Why is the study of visualization important for the Digital Humanities? Are they also important for the study of pandemics? Please give salient examples.

5) What are GIS and "spatial humanities"? Why is the study of these important for the Digital Humanities? How can these be used for the study of pandemics?