ISC 220 Assignment Two Due: October 25th

1) Write a program that will do "error checking" on a string to see if only numbers  are entered by a user.

2) Write a program that will determine if <html> is at the beginning of a string.

3) Write a program that accepts a lists of words and looks for a string or line that

contains all five vowels  in order (a,e,i,o,u).

4) Write a program that accepts a string, and determines whether the numbers
4 and 5 are in order.

5) Imagine a baby language that has one basic expresssion:

A) daa!, daaa!, daaaa!.....

Write a Perl program to determine if a given string is in “baby language”.

NOTE: You can use the following program to guide you:

print "Please enter a string:\n";
$input = <STDIN>;
if ($input =~ m/^[aA-zZ]+$/) {

    print "Input has only letters";
    else {
    print "Input has other characters";

Also, here are some resources for you:

AND, if you want to download Perl on your home machine: