CSC 490 - Assignment 4 (Due anytime BEFORE the final exam on May 14th at 2:00

I am keeping this assignment short, since you are working on final projects.

1) Read Chapter Four of Social Network Analysis for Startups and answer the following:

    A) What is an "ego network" and why is it important for social analysis?

    B) What is a "structural hole" and why is it important for social analysis?

    C) What is a "clique" and how can we detect them?

2). Read chapter Five of Social Network Analysis for Startups and answer the following:

    What are "affiliation networks" and why are they important?

3. Read Chapter Six of Social Network Analysis for Startups and answer the following:

    A) What did "Facebook do right"?

    B) What is meant by the "strength of weak ties" and why is this important for social analysis?