Assignment Three – Cog 166

Due by Friday, December 6th


Part I.

Read the article found in the following link:

Then, in an essay, please address the following questions:

1) What is the approach and major themes of "embodied cognition"?

2) What are some of the applications of the embodied cognition approach?

3) Do you think that embodied cognition poses a challenge to proponents of the view put froward by the Physical Symbol System Hypothesis? Why or why not?

Part II.

First, read the following article: Lehrer on Proust

Second, read this more technical treatment concerning the relationship between aesthetics and cognitive science: Stokes on Aesthetics and Cognitive Science


In a short essay, explain why you think that there might (or might not) be a relationship between cognitive science and creative activity. You might want to choose an example to illustrate your position.