CSC 222         Lab 4
Fall 2000

Topic: Creating a program and watching the execution 
       of the program using Code View

1) Write and assemble a program that will read in a 
    base 10 number, shift it right, and then print
    the rusult on the screen. Use Code View to step
    through the code. (To be run at the start of lab    
    Oct 25th)

Hello World

.model small
.stack 100H
Message	DB	'Hello World', 13, 10, '$'

Hello proc
	mov	ax, @data
	mov 	ds,	ax

	mov	dx,	offset Message
	mov	ah, 	9h
	int	21h

	mov	al, 	0
	mov 	ah,	4ch	
	int	21h
	Hello	endp
	end	 hello